Husband, Father, Podcaster, Learning Data Analysis
I created this humble site to provide a place to store different projects. I started to learn SQL and Python in 2021. Since that time, My SQL knowledge has grown to meet the needs for developing reports and dashboards. Each section reflects the work I created either for work or personal learning.
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Project description: I created a couple of Python programs to quickly upload an Excel to Google Sheet. I created one to change the csv to a dataframe. This Python program calls the second python program. The second program connects to Google Sheet through the gspread Python package. Both programs are currently used for a single specific Google Sheet I update regularly. I am think of better ways to make them more usable for other projects.
import pandas as pd
from gs_update import gs_update
FILE_PATH needs to be replaced with the file path. The cols_list
contains the needed columns. This will be used in the read_excel function to select the proper columns.
cols_list = [] # List of columns needs from the Excel file, if you do not need them all
df = pd.read_excel(path, usecols=cols_list) # Remvoe usecols=cols_list if you want to read all columns
function to import the dataframe to Google SheetsThe final step for importing is the using the gs_update
to access the Google Sheets API through gspread library.